
به عنوان يك موزيسين ايرانى كه از بهترين استادهاى ايرانى درس گرفته ام، بايد بگم كه هميشه حسرت داشتن يك معلمى را داشتم كه در كنار درس دادن تكنيك موسيقى، بتواند متعهد، راهنما، دلسوز و همچنان در دسترس باشه. هميشه فكر ميكنم كه اگر اين معلم رو از كودكى پيدا كرده بودم، چه اتفاقهاى بهترى در مسير موسيقى ام ميفتاد . وقتى در دانشگاه هنر استراليا براى اولين بار اين معلم رو سر كلاس تئورى موسيقى ديدم، مات و مبهوت مانده بودم كه چطور روش تدريسش صد نفر هنرجو با سطح دانش و تجربه متفاوت رو به چالش كشيده و در عين حال مطالبش قابل درك و فهم هست.

بله، ميحُل مَكارتى استاد دانشگاه، موسيقى دا و معلمى هست كه سطح دانشى بالا و تجربه زيادى در كنار مهارت تدريس داره. از يك كودك چهار ساله، تا هنرجو دانشگاه و حتى معلم ها و موسيقى دان هاى با تجربه ميتوانند از كلاس هاش بهره ببرن و مطالب بسيارى بياموزن.

من در كلاسهاى كودكان پنج ساله تا نوجوانان پانزده ساله اش هم بودم و اينقدر لذت بخش بود كه حاضر بودم هفتگى باهاشون سر كلاس برم. فكر ميكنم روش تدريسش بهترين تكنيك ها رو براى پرورش ذهن كودكان در موسيقى و حتى مهارت هاى اجتماعى آنها داره.

خوشحالم كه معلم موسيقى كه دوست داشتم رو هرچند دير اما بالاخره پيدا كردم و از سال ٢٠٢٠ شاگردش هستم . يك بار يك دوستى بهم گفت "هر كس بايد شمس خودش رو در زندگى پيدا كنه." به نظر من، ميحُل يكى از شمس هاى زمانه خودش در كارش هست.

اسفنديار شاهمير

Our 3 children all went through the Cottage School of Music from ages 5-15 with Micheál McCarthy and just loved the whole process. Micheál was able teach them extremely advanced musical techniques and concepts, seemingly without them even realizing they were learning, as the classes were run in a fun and supportive environment of games and activities.
There were able to gain a deeper understanding of musical concepts than is taught anywhere else to children of that age. Despite our children electing not to study music at a University level, they are able to hold their own against Music graduates through the knowledge and skills gained at any early age at the Cottage School. Now in their 20’s, our children are all accomplished musicians with the added benefit of an intuitive understanding of musical notation that doesn’t require conscious thought.
Through the Cottage School, they forged friendships with like-minded students that have lasted to this day and made relationships with musicians that have furthered their musical careers well into adulthood.
As parents, we enthusiastically recommend Micheál McCarthy’s music programs and our children cannot speak highly enough of him.
Anne & Anthony Dunne

Parent Feedback

"Cottage for me was a real game changer; I'm not sure if I would be working in the music industry if it hadn't been for those classes! I always enjoyed it and felt like I was good at it because everything made sense, and like I had known everything all along - such is the genius of Micheál's teaching. Yet, I left with a musical skill set that has enabled me to perform and teach with ease, and I am so grateful for the comprehensive training I received through the school. I learned from some other fantastic instrumental teachers and was lucky enough to go to a school with a highly esteemed music programme, but it was Cottage that really made everything come together for me. These days, I spend a great deal of my time teaching piano, and I really see the edge that the Cottage-trained kids have. Parents spend a lot of time deciding where to send their child to school, but to me, the choice to enrol in Cottage is more significant. Micheál's classes were where I learned my craft, made most of my long term friends, and learned how to be myself as a performer - I cannot recommend them highly enough! Micheál is an incredible educator, and I still have frequent revelations as to why he presented certain concepts to our class in a certain way, some 15 years on! We are so lucky to have a world class programme like this in Perth, and no doubt we will continue to see the resultant positive effects in our music community for many years to come." - Sarah Cranfield

Past Student

"We put up the fancy spires first... "

"I am a parent of three "lifers" - being children that have been continuously involved in 'Cottage School of Music Senior' since the earliest possible time through to high school graduation and beyond. In my humble opinion this is one of the best musical activities you can get your children involved in. It is not a cramming course, but a life journey that equips one with the ability to fully engage in a musical life. If you have small children pack a picnic to have on the lawn of Drabble House between classes or join the library next door. Make it a way of life and you will not be disappointed. Oh, and Micheál's teaching is sometimes unconventional, but full of fun and always world class." - MC, Claremont

Parent Feedback

"Cottage School of Music gave me the best musical foundation that I could ever hope for. I attended Micheál's classes throughout high school and that definitely gave me a headstart through my university days at WAAPA. As a strings and theory teacher, the skills and knowledge that Micheál passed on have been indispensable. His classes are highly recommended for any musician - young or old!" - Adrian Yeo

Past Student

"Real art is one of the most powerful forces in the rise of mankind, and he who renders it accessible to as many people as possible is a benefactor of humanity." - Zoltán Kodály, 1954

"At the age of three I was introduced to music through Cottage School and continued attending for over twelve years, allowing me to witness the full affect it has on someone’s life, both personally and musically. The Kodály system gave me a solid understanding of the subtleties that exist in music - due to the pure joy for learning that filled the classes under the guidance of Micheál McCarthy. Having now been exposed to various other musical systems, I can say with certainty that the skills I was able to explore in classes allows for a greater understanding and appreciation of all systems. Now living in Switzerland and attending the Lausanne Conservatoire, every day I recognise the tangible benefits of having attended these classes. I am able to view music in a comprehensive way, with this translating to the view I have on life in general. I would recommend Cottage School to any child who wishes to explore music, irrespective of their future ambitions or level. The program allows for children to learn valuable skills in a well adapted environment through dance and song, without even knowing they are learning. It is without doubt an essential program for all who wish to expose their child to music and the arts." Rita Fernandes, Switzerland

Past Student

"And I would advise my young colleagues, the composers of symphonies, to drop in sometimes at the kindergarten, too. It is there that it is decided whether there will be anybody to understand their works in twenty years' time." - Zoltán Kodály, 1957

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